Barratt David Wilson Homes is excited to present its emerging plans for 93 high-quality and sustainable new homes at Henley Gate.

Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes


Barratt David Wilson Homes are part of the Barratt Development Plc and has been building high quality homes for over 50 years. We are a 5* quality award winning homebuilder, meaning over 90% of our customers would recommend us to a friend. What’s more, it makes us the UK’s most recommended housebuilder for the 14th consecutive year. We have also won more NHBC Pride in the Job Quality Awards than any other housebuilder. In 2021, David Wilson Homes was also named Sustainable Housebuilder of the Year.

Henley Gate is one of three new neighbourhoods that form the Ipswich Garden Suburb and was granted outline planning permission in January 2020. The outline planning permission established the principle for Henley Gate to deliver up to 1,100 new homes, a new primary school, a 30-hectare Country Park, community uses and a Local Centre at the centre of the development.

Barratt David Wilson Homes are bringing forward Phase 2 of the Henley Gate neighbourhood, which is allocated for up to 240 homes. We have already received reserved matters approval for the initial 147 dwellings to be delivered in Phase 2 and have commenced works, with the first show homes due to open in April 2024.

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We are now seeking feedback on our proposals for the remaining 93 dwellings and associated landscaping and community allotments to come forward under Phase 2. This is in preparation for a reserved matters application submission for our site which focuses on the finer details of the development including appearance, layout and landscaping. Our emerging scheme is for 93 new residential homes which will be delivered in a variety of sizes including apartments, terraced housing, semi-detached and detached housing in a mixture of two to four-bedroom homes to meet the needs of the local community.

We would greatly appreciate your feedback prior to submitting our planning application to Ipswich Borough Council for this next stage of the delivery of new homes at Henley Gate.

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Barratt David Wilson Homes’ proposals for the site will deliver the following key benefits:

  • A new development that has been carefully designed to complement the local area, according with the parameters and design themes established through the approved residential masterplan for the site.

  • A high-quality design response to the delivery of new homes.

  • New housing delivered with high-quality private amenity space as well as access to quality landscaped communal areas which will maximise biodiversity and ecological opportunities across the site through new species-rich planting.

  • The provision of a significant amount of public open space across the site including community allotment space and an orchard, and connections to latter phases of the Garden Suburb and Country Park.

  • The provision of a range of high-quality and eco-friendly dwelling types and sizes to respond to local demand and meet the needs of the community.


A reserved matters planning application for the proposals will be submitted to Ipswich Borough Council in the coming weeks. We will continue to keep local residents updated with the progress of our application.

We look forward to continuing to engage with local residents throughout the planning process.

You can have your say by:

  • Completing the feedback form below
  • Writing to FREEPOST – CRATUS COMMUNICATIONS (no further address details or stamps required)
  • Calling 0203 026 3143

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